Suus Singleton

supporting you and your family

The mentor for you & ​your family

Having worked with children and parents for the last 18 ​years Susan has been able to finetune and simplify routines ​around children’s needs.

She has developed ways to look after yourself while being in ​the role of the caretaker.

This is for all the moms and dads who can use emotional ​support & companionship in any parenting process they are ​moving through.

Susan offers a wide range of tools to bring more simplicity ​and trust into parenthood.

How we would work together:

  • Online
  • In person
  • Including your child(ren)

“Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for life itself. ​They come through you but not from you.

And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.”

Khalil Gibran

Nanny Service

Susan's nanny services are for life’s ceremonies like; ​weddings, birthdays, births, holidays, sickness or loss. You ​can focus on your life's ceremony and feel supported.

Susan believes that during important moments in your life ​or career it is vital for your children to feel seen, heard and ​loved.

“It was so extremely special.

In a short time you brought ​calmness and a deep feeling of trust ​to me and Iggy”


Mother of Iggy

What Susan brings

Arriving grounded and centered so Susan is an anchor for the ​family and the children is a big part of what she can bring into ​the lives of the families.

From this resting point she loves to bring, nature, music and ​play in her connections.

Susan has spent her time within the homes of over a 100 ​different families and will bring her experience in holding the ​family while providing a safe and connected space for the ​children.

Meet Susan

Susan has been a part of children’s lives for over 18 years. ​She started young living next door to a family with four ​children where she soon felt like a big sister. She was ​studying child psychology and teaching when she moved ​overseas to Sydney, Australia. There she was lucky to be ​part of an amazing team for four years at a childcare centre ​that rated the highest quality level under the National ​Quality Framework.

She continued her job as an au pair and nanny and became ​a professional nanny when she came back to Europe. She ​worked in London, Amsterdam and Costa Rica while getting ​her holistic child coach certificate. Having connected with ​over 500 children and working for a 100 different families, ​Susan has never been more passionate about her role in ​proving support for families.

What Other Moms Say

ayurvedic mum of four

“Susan is the only person with ​whom I feel confident leaving ​my four children. She is such a ​sweet, warm woman! She ​senses perfectly what the ​children need and gives them ​her full attention.”

ayurvedic practitioner

“We actually went to dinner ​third time since she was born! ​Thank you, we are just so ​grateful. Thank you for holding ​our family. We appreciate it so ​much. It just feels so safe.”

Birthkeeper & spaceholder

‘The gratitude I feel for all the ​moments you were there for ​Hygge and Ewa and us, I ​cannot describe in words.’


liefs, suus

Let’s connect for a discovery call

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Suus Singleton


all photos of Susan are by Kiri Fredericks